Part 5 of The Mentality Ladder – Football Manager Rigid Mentality Structure
The time has now come to take a closer look on the Rigid Mentality Structure within the Football Manager Mentality ladder.
Here will ‘The Hand of God’ analyze the gestalt tactical system which organize tactical priorities according to player positioning rather than the duty of the player role.
This part about rigid mentality will let you discover how the rung of task and tactical priority will change for the different player roles when selecting a rigid mentality. Learn more about the sweeper and trequartista effect and the benefits of rigid fluidity setting below.
By reading ‘The Hand of Gods’ 8-step guide on mentality ladder for Football Manager 2014 you will be able to enhance your understanding on how a Football Manager tactic will be organized under different fluidity / mentality combinations and further improve your tactics by focusing on the impact the different mentality structures and player duties has on the play – in the different match situations and on players mentality level through the 4 phases of play.
Rigid mentality structures cover the broadest range of tactical priorities with roles sharply defining how players contribute to the team’s strategic objective. While Balanced mentality structures can also cover a very wide range of tactical priorities, Rigid mentality structures organize tactical priorities according to position within the team’s defensive shape regardless of duty (with a few exceptions). The idea is that each player has a more distinct and clearly defined function within the team compared to more fluid systems.
The main purpose of this is to ensure a quick and well organized transition from defense to attack (and vice versa) with wide players moving up more readily to link the defence, support and attack. While this can make the team’s approach somewhat predictable, it better enables players to play to their specific strengths while reducing the risk of the team getting bogged down in aimless, incoherent play.
Previously, rigid mentality structures have been equated with archaic tactical systems in which specific positions are strictly limited to contributing to specific phases of play, but this is not an accurate depiction. Team mentality and duty are the primary factors in determining whether specific players get forward or drop back to defend.
A rigid mentality structure merely causes players in different positions to be incrementally more cautious or adventurous to ensure a greater tactical distinction between positions and roles. This is quite different from limiting certain positions to a single phase of play.
The Sweeper Effect in Rigid Mentality Structure
Certain rigid mentality structures are subject to the Sweeper Effect. Essentially, under a more defensive team mentality, using a sweeper role will cause other players on the team to become slightly more aggressive.
The Sweeper Effect applies to rigid contain, defensive and counter mentality structures that use a Sweeper (that is, the role, not the position). In the following outlines, you should move each outfield player (with the exception of other sweepers) up one position on the mentality ladder for Defensive mentalities and up two positions for Contain if the mentality structure is subject to the Sweeper Effect. Keep in mind, the alterations imposed by the Sweeper Effect are the same regardless of how many sweepers are used.
The Trequartista Effect in Rigid Mentality Structure
A similar effect occurs when a Trequartista is used as a lone striker in Control, Attack and Overload mentalities. In such situations, you should move every outfield player other than the Trequartista up one position on the mentality ladder for Control mentalities and up two positions for Attacking and Overload mentalities.
-GK: Shield Goal
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Limit Pressure
-SW: Obstruct Shots
-Libero (All Duties): Restrict Space Aggressively
-DC: Obstruct Shots
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Divert Attacking Movement
-DL/R: Divert Attacking Movement
-DMC: Restrict Space Cautiously
-Halfback: Divert Attacking Movement
-WBL/R: Restrict Space
-MC: Disrupt Attacks
-Box to Box Midfielder: Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Restrict Space Cautiously
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Restrict Space Aggressively
-ML/R: Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-AMC: Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Disrupt Attacks
-Shadow Striker: Recover Possession Immediately
-AML/R: Recover Possession
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-ST (Lone Striker): Keep Possession
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Shuttle Ball
-False NIne (Lone Striker): Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-Support/Defend Duty (Multiple Strikers): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-GK: Limit Pressure
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Distribute Safely
-SW: Contain Attacking Movement
-Libero (All Duties): Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-DC: Divert Attacking Movement
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Contain Attacking Movement
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Restrict Space Aggressively
-DL/R: Restrict Space Aggressively
-DMC: Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Halfback: Restrict Space
-WBL/R: Disrupt Attacks
-MC: Recover Possession
-Box to Box Midfielder: Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-ML/R: Recover Possession Immediately
-AMC: Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Recover Possession
-Shadow Striker: Keep Possession Under Pressure
-AML/R: Keep Possession
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Recover Possession Immediately
-ST (Lone Striker): Shuttle Ball
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Spearhead Attacks
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Support/Defend Duty (Multiple Strikers): Shuttle Ball Into Space
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Shuttle Ball Into Space
-GK: Limit Pressure
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Cycle Possession
-SW: Restrict Space Cautiously
-Libero (All Duties): Recover Possession
-DC: Restrict Space
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Divert Attacking Movement
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-DL/R: Disrupt Attacks
-DMC: Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-Halfback: Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-WBL/R: Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-MC: Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Box to Box Midfielder: Recover Possession Immediately
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Recover Possession
-ML/R: Keep Possession
-AMC: Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Shadow Striker: Shuttle Ball
-AML/R: Shuttle Ball Into Space
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Keep Possession
-ST (Lone Striker): Spearhead Attacks from the Hole
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Create Chances Urgently
-Defensive Forward (Defend Duty – Lone Striker): Suppress Counterattacking Options
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Support Duty (Lone Striker): Create Chances Patiently
-Support/Defend Duty (Multiple Strikers): Shuttle Ball
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Shuttle Ball
-GK: Distribute Safely
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Cycle Possession
-SW: Restrict Space
-Libero (All Duties): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-DC: Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Restrict Space
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-DL/R: Recover Possession After Defensive Transition
-DMC: Recover Possession
-Halfback: Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-WBL/R: Recover Possession Immediately
-MC: Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Box to Box Midfielder: Keep Possession
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Recover Possession
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-ML/R: Shuttle Ball Into Space
-AMC: Shuttle Ball
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Shadow Striker: Spearhead Attacking Moves from the Hole
-AML/R: Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Shuttle Ball Into Space
-ST (Lone Striker): Spearhead Attacking Moves Closer to Defence
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Penetrate Gaps
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Lone Striker): Suppress Counterattacking Outlets
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Multiple Strikers): Suppress Counterattacking Options
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Shuttle Ball
-Support Duty (Lone Striker): Create Chances Urgently
-Support Duty (Multiple Strikers): Create Chances Patiently
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Shuttle Ball
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Create Chances Patiently
-GK: Distribute Safely
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Initiate Attacks
-SW: Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Libero (All Duties): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-DC: Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Disrupt Attacks Judiciously
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Recover Possession
-DL/R: Recover Possession Immediately
-DMC: Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Halfback: Recover Possession
-WBL/R: Keep Possession
-MC: Shuttle Ball
-Box to Box Midfielder: Shuttle Ball Into Space
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-ML/R: Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-AMC: Spearhead Attacking Moves from the Hole
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Shuttle Ball
-Shadow Striker: Spearhead Attacking Moves Closer to Defence
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Create Chances Patiently
-AML/R: Spearhead Attacking Moves
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-Defensive Winger (Defend): Suppress Counterattacks
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Create Chances
-ST (Lone Striker): Penetrate Gaps
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Draw Off Defenders
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Lone Striker): Isolate Midfielders
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Multiple Strikers): Suppress Counterattacking Outlets
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Create Chances
-Support Duty (Lone Striker): Force Half Chances
-Support Duty (Multiple Strikers): Create Chances Urgently
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Create Chances
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Create Chances Urgently
-GK: Cycle Possession
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Initiate Attacks
-SW: Disrupt Attacks Quickly
-Libero (All Duties): Shuttle Ball
-DC: Recover Possession
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Disrupt Attacks
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Recover Possession Immediately
-DL/R: Keep Possession
-DMC: Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Halfback: Keep Possession Away From Pressure
-WBL/R: Shuttle Ball Into Space
-MC: Spearhead Attacking Moves from the Hole
-Box to Box Midfielder: Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Shuttle Ball
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Create Chances Patiently
-ML/R: Spearhead Attacking Moves
-Defend Duty (All Roles): Suppress Counterattacks
-Support Duty (All Roles): Create Chances
-AMC: Spearhead Attacking Moves Closer to Defence
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Create Chances Patiently
-Shadow Striker: Penetrate Gaps
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Create Chances Urgently
-AML/R: Penetrate Gaps Intermittently
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Create Chances
-Defensive Winger (Defend): Isolate Advancing Midfielders
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Force Half Chances When Necessary
-ST (Lone Striker): Draw Off Defenders
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Overload Defenders
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Lone Striker): Hassle Dawdling Defenders
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Multiple Strikers): Isolate Advancing Midfielders
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Force Half Chances
-Support Duty (Lone Striker): Test Defence With Precision
-Support Duty (Multiple Strikers): Penetrate Gaps Intermittently
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Force Half Chances
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Force Half Chances When Necessary
-GK: Initiate Attacks
-Sweeper Keeper (All Duties): Support Attacks
-SW: Recover Possession Immediately
-Libero (Attack Duty): Spearhead Attacking Moves
-Libero (Support Duty): Create Chances
-DC: Keep Possession
-Cover Duty (All Roles): Keep Possession Under Pressure
-Stopper Duty (All Roles): Recover Possession
-DL/R: Shuttle Ball
-DMC: Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-Halfback: Shuttle Ball Into Space
-WBL/R: Spearhead Attacking Moves from the Hole
-Defend Duty: Suppress Counterattacking Options
-Support Duty: Create Chances Patiently
-MC: Penetrate Gaps Intermittently
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Force Half Chances When Necessary
-Box to Box Midfielder: Create Chances Urgently
-Deep Lying Playmaker (All Duties): Shuttle Ball Through Defence
-Defend Duty (All Other Roles): Suppress Counterattacks
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Force Half Chances When Necessary
-ML/R: Penetrate Gaps
-Defend Duty (All Roles): Isolate Midfielders
-Support Duty (All Roles): Force Half Chances
-AMC: Penetrate Gaps Persistently
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Force Half Chances When Necessary
-Enganche: Force Half Chances Without Hesitation
-Shadow Striker: Draw Off Defenders
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Force Half Chances Without Hesitation
-Trequartista: Force Half Chances Without Hesitation
-AML/R: Draw Off Defenders
-Advanced Playmaker (All Duties): Force Half Chances Without Hesitation
-Defensive Winger (Defend): Hassle Dawdling Defenders
-Support Duty (All Other Roles): Test Defence With Precision
-ST (Lone Striker): Bypass Last Defender
-Attack Duty (Multiple Strikers): Bypass Last Defender
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Lone Striker): Force Clearance
-Defensive Forward (Defend – Multiple Strikers): Hassle Dawdling Defenders
-False Nine (Lone Striker): Test Defence
-Support Duty (Lone Striker): Rush Ball Forward
-Support Duty (Multiple Strikers): Test Defence With Precision
-Trequartista (Lone Striker): Test Defence
-Trequartista (Multiple Strikers): Test Defence With Precision
This article was written by the SI moderator and tactics guru The Hand of God. Passion4FM would like to thank him for writing this excellent Football Manager guide on mentality structures, fluidity and player duties and for letting us re-distribute it on our website to our audience.
The original version of this FM14 guide can be found on Sports Interactive Community forum –
Passion4FM encourage you to use the comment field on the original thread if you got any questions to the author.